Bowing to Eisav

One of the more problematic incidents in the Torah is the meeting between Yakov and Eisav. There are many opinions that feel that Yakov should not have humbled himself to such an extent in front of the wicked Eisav.

Aside from the numerous gifts that Yakov gave Eisav, it was his bowing before him seven times that seemed to have really not been necessary.

There are those that felt that Yakov paid a price for this bowing and was subservient to eight kings that came from Eisav.

The Netivot Shalom has a completely different take on this incident. Based on the Zohar, he claims that Yakov saw the שכינה, Divine Presence, alongside him as he approached. Yakov was bowing to the שכינה, and not to Eisav at all!

This act of reverence towards Hashem is what caused Eisav to melt and genuinely show love for his brother.

It is interesting how Chazal can view the same incident from so many different angles.




Two Tzaddikim Argue