Shimon and Levi

The behavior of Shimon and Levi and their wiping out the city of Shechem, leaves many questions. The biggest question is how such behavior could be justified. They took the law into their own hands, but were reprimanded more for their anger than the action itself.

The Rambam discusses the justification for what they did in his discussion of the Seven Noachide Laws. There was a death penalty attached to the violation of any of these laws, including tearing the limb off of a live animal and stealing.

Dina was kidnapped or “stolen” by Shechem the son of Chamor. The rest of the town knew about this and were accomplices to the crime. They were all guilty in allowing such a grievous crime to take place.

In addition, the Rambam continues, they were obligated by the Noachide Laws, to set up courts of justice, and try the criminals. They were also collectively guilty for this.

For the reasons mentioned, the Rambam felt that Shimon and Levi were justified in bringing the death penalty on all of the males of that city. And they were both thirteen years of age (less than a year apart), when they did this!


No Favoritism


Three Disputed Cities