להודות ולהלל

The message of Chanukah emphasizes the words, כדי להודות ולהלל, in order that we give thanksgiving and praise. The threat of Chanukah was different than that of Purim. Unlike Purim that posed a physical threat of survival, Chanukah was very much a spiritual threat. The Syrian-Greeks tried to undermine our religion by making it difficult to practice Judaism. Many were lured into Hellenism, and they chose the Greek way of life over Jewish practices. As we are witnessing today, often the spiritual threat is more difficult to overcome, than the physical. The heroism of the Maccabees, allowed us to return to the ways of holiness and to drive out the defilement of our Temple and Land. This victory was not to be taken for granted. It was nothing short of miraculous. Therefore, we are to focus on giving praise and thanksgiving to Hashem for allowing us to overcome that threat. As Rav Yakov Emden once said, “A greater miracle than the exodus from Egypt, is the survival of the Jewish people during such a long and painful Galut.” The כדי להודות ולהלל is certainly in order.


Book of Maccabees


Man Was Meant To Struggle