The Talmud on Chanukah
It is interesting to note that the Gemara in מסכת שבת, speaks about Chanukah. The reason why it is found in מסכת שבת, is because there is a discussion as to which oils are appropriate for Shabbat candles and Chanukah candles. The Gemara goes on to explain that we are more strict with Shabbat candles. The oil or wax used for Shabbat candles needs greater care to be sure they do not give off a bad odor. Their wicks and flame should be with more care than Chanukah candles. It is also interesting to note that the Talmud speaks very little about the military victory, and much more about the miracle of the small pitcher of oil that burned for eight days. The reason for this was because the Chashmonaim leaders later took more upon themselves than allowed. Many proclaimed themselves as kings, which was against the Torah. A Kohein could not be a king. For this reason, there are no Kohanim descended from the Chashmonaim. This is how the Talmud expands on the Chanukah story.