השתדלות and בטחון
Shavua Tov, Chodesh Tov, Chanukah Sameach. Parshat מקץ emphasizes the dilemma we have between the idea of השתדלות, which means actually trying to create real avenues towards achieving the desired end, and בטחון, putting our faith in Hashem and asking Him for our desired result. In Yosef’s case, he apparently made an error in judgement by putting too much faith in the butler. Many opinions hold that he had to stay two more years in prison because he should not have relied on man, but on G-d. The question was whether we view Yosef’s case as the standard we are supposed to model ourselves after, or, more was expected of Yosef because he was a Tzaddik. Regardless of the outcome of such a discussion, we are to be aware of this balance. We must have absolute faith in Hashem and realize that all success comes from Him. But we are also not meant to rely on miracles and we must do our part to make things happen. This is what is learned from Yosef and the butler.