Delight in Hashem

As we begin the second book of the Torah, the Netivot Shalom points out the importance of the גלות-גאולה relationship. The Jewish people were the purpose of creation and there was a specific mission meant for them. Apparently, the suffering of the גלות מצרים, was necessary in order to appreciate the גאולה that followed after 210 years of slavery. This destiny was already shown to Avraham Avinu when he was put into a deep sleep at the ברית בין הבתרים. He was informed about the slavery as well as the exodus with “great wealth.” It is the role of Israel to teach the world about the knowledge of G-d and the importance of serving Him. Without this, man’s existence is meaningless. The מסילת ישרים, points this out by saying that man was created for the sole purpose of להתענג על ה׳, delighting with G-d. For this is the true pleasure and joy from all other types of pleasure and joy that is available to man. This is the introduction to the Book of Shmot that we begin reading this week.


לך לשלום


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