Enemies from Within
There is a Pasuk in the Book of Isaiah that warns us to be more aware of the enemy from within, than the enemy from without. The words by ישעיהו were מהרסיך ומחריביך ממך יצאו, that the real destructive forces harming our people, will come from Jewish traitors. Moshe Rabbeinu recognized this as well, according to the Midrash. When Datan and Aviram spoke rudely to Moshe and asked him if he was going to kill them, too, Moshe understood. The Midrash tells us that for a very long time, Moshe wondered what the Jewish people could have done, to deserve such a harsh slavery. When he saw that there were דיליטורים, back stabbers or traitors, he realized that this was the reason for the slavery. If Jews would only be loyal to one another, not only would there be unity, but it would create a wall preventing the enemy from without from penetrating it.