Why Ten Plagues

Shavua Tov. Today’s Parsha explains the reason for the Ten Plagues, and why Hashem didn’t destroy Egypt with one strong plague. The text of the Torah itself tells us the twofold explanation. On the one hand, it was necessary to make a strong statement to Pharoah and the Egyptians that Hashem is the One and only true G-d. Pharoah made the mistake of asking who Hashem was and why he should listen to Him. The plagues gave him his answer. And the second reason was to make an impression on all future generations of Jews, about the truth of the Torah. The incredible outward miracles and Hand of G-d would be mentioned twice daily in every Jew’s prayers. It would be emphasized each year at the Seder when we re-enact the events in Egypt. Our Parsha tells us that this was meant to solidify our faith in Hashem and the belief that the Jewish religion is the one and only true religion in the world.


Egyptian Cataracts


קידוש החודש