Perfect Month
At the end of פרשת בא, there is the commandment to sanctify the first born of both humans and animals. Moshe Rabbeinu follows this command by reminding the עם to remember this great day that you are leaving Egypt. He then follows with a Pasuk that says, היום אתם יוצאים בחודש האביב, today you are leaving in the month of spring. The Mechilta tells us that Moshe was letting the people know that Hashem chose the perfect month. It was the month that was not too hot, and not too cold and rainy. They obviously knew what month it was. Moshe was trying to show them how Hashem’s חסד with the Jewish people is limitless. And it is our job to recognize this kindness and appreciate all that Hashem does for us. This recognition will allow us to get closer to Him and elevate ourselves spiritually.