No Idleness

There is a Midrash that comments on an aspect of the commandment to observe Shabbat. The question is asked as to why was it necessary for the Torah to tell us ועשית כל מלאכתך, that we should complete all of our work, if we were already told, ששת ימים תעבוד, that six days shall you labor? The answer given by the Midrash is that one who has abandoned fields or courtyards, should busy himself with them. Because, as the Midrash continues, אין אדם מת אלא מתוך הבטלה, that a primary cause of death for man is idleness. The worst thing for a person is to do nothing. The תורה תמימה adds that one should find work to do even if it is not absolutely necessary to avoid the idleness that can kill a person. Studying Talmud serves two purposes. It allows one to perform the Mitzva of learning Torah, and it stimulates and sharpens the mind. Isn’t it fascinating how well Chazal understood the human being and his physical and emotional needs!


Baruch Hashem


Achieving Ahavat Yisrael