פרשת פרה
Shavua Tov. Today we read פרשת פרה, in preparation for the offering of the קרבן פסח. Everyone needed to be in a state of purity as they prepared to be עולי רגל, when they made their pilgrimage to Jerusalem. The Red Heifer was meant to purify for having come in contact with the dead. This Mitzva is a חוק, which means that we are not meant to understand its reason. The parallel reading in the Haftarah of פרשת פרה, is from ספר יחזקאל. The Prophet spoke of the purification of the Jewish people before the final Redemption. He seems to be speaking of the times that we are living in today. He speaks of a time when Hashem will decide that He would like to see His name sanctified. He will rebuild the House of Israel and bring Jews from all corners of the earth. He is doing this, not because we deserve it, but because of the sanctification. We will be sprinkled with waters of purification to eliminate the impurities we accumulated during our years in the Galut. We are to appreciate that the rebuilding of the State of Israel is a קידוש ה׳, meant to make Hashem’s name great. Parshat Parah teaches about the need for purification as a prerequisite for קרבן פסח, as well as a prerequisite for the building of the House of Israel.