Hashem’s Unfathomable Ways

The dialogue between Hashem and Moshe Rabbeinu, after the חטא העגל, is very interesting. Moshe saw this as an עת רצון, an opportune time to learn about Hashem’s essence. Among Moshe’s questions, was the classic צדיק ורע לו and רשע וטוב לו. Why does it appear that the righteous seem to suffer, and the wicked seem to have it so good in the world. A great deal was revealed to Moshe at that time when he asked Hashem to, “Show me Your glory.” He was taught the effectiveness of the recitation of the Thirteen Attributes, and how its utterance brings G-d’s mercy, instead of harsh judgement. But ultimately, Moshe is told, “כי לא יראני האדם וחי”, that no man can see Me and live. We must accept that Hashem’s ways are far above our own comprehension. And today, more than ever, we see how Hashem is running the world.


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