תשובה מאהבה

In times of crisis, we are told that we are supposed to do a self-check of our Midot. We are to realize the power of Teshuva and crying out to Hashem. If we look at the Tanach, we see desperate situations where sincere, mass repentance, changed the decree. Two such examples are the people of Nineveh in the Yona story, and the fasting and Teshuva in the Purim story. In both cases, things looked desperate and hopeless. The power of prayer and repentance changed the evil decree. The Netivot Shalom describes two kinds of תשובה. When one repents מיראה, out of fear, his זדונות, sins done intentionally, become שוגגות, as if done unintentionally. When one repents מאהבה, out of love for Hashem, his זדונות become זכויות, merits. The current crisis should be one of self reflection, and we should all merit doing תשובה מאהבה, to put an end to the Corona virus visiting us.


פרשת החודש


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