Forty-Two Challenges

The last Pasuk of ספר שמות, ends with the words, כי ענן ה׳ על המזבח בכל מסעיהם, that the cloud of Hashem rested on the Mishkan in all of the travels of the Jewish people. The Netivot Shalom points out that there is significance to the last two words, “בכל מסעיהם,” in all of their travels. He says that there is a hint to the journey that every Jew goes through during his lifetime. Just like the Jewish people visited forty two locations during their forty years in the desert. Similarly, each one of us goes through forty two journeys during his lifetime. These represent forty two challenges or difficulties that we may need to overcome. These challenges may be large or small, but we are required to rise to each occasion to make the right decisions in doing what is right in the eyes of G-d. It could be that the current situation may be one of our biggest tests that we need to pass. (Perhaps the Coronavirus counts as more than one journey!) Nevertheless, the Torah ends ספר שמות by reminding us that Hashem was always with us to help us through. There was the Cloud of Glory by day, and a fire by night. A total reliance and dependence on Hashem, will allow us to succeed in every challenge.



