Only Judaism is True

There is a Pasuk in the Hagaddah that is very powerful and proves the truth of Judaism as opposed to other religions. Moshe Rabbeinu tells the nation, “או הניסה אלוקים לבוא לקחת לו גוי מקרב גוי באותות ומופתים.” “Has G-d ever attempted to take one nation from the midst of another nation, with signs and wonders?” Moshe is pointing out that no religion ever began in such a spectacular manner as did the Jewish religion. With Hashem’s help, Israel decimated the superpower of the world. All other religions began in a far more modest way. Perhaps it was with a handful of disciples witnessing an alleged miracle, that a specific religion began. Compare this with Judaism and its beginning. This is what Moshe is telling the nation. Truth is not relative. The only truth when it comes to religion, is Hashem and Israel. Everything else is simply false.


Shabbat Hagadol


בדיקה, ביעור, ביטול, ומכירת חמץ