Music, Corona, Sefirat Haomer

Nowadays, it is unusual to hear of Rabbis giving out a decision that represents a קולא, or leniency. In our generation, I always felt that Rav Ovadia Yosef, זצ״ל, was the most open and willing, to issue decisions that reflected such leniencies. Rav Ovadia’s son, the current Sephardic Chief Rabbi, Yitzchak Yosef, has followed in his father’s footsteps. He has made a ruling regarding listening to music during Sefirat Haomer because of the Coronavirus. The Psak allows listening to recorded music for several reasons. The basis for the prohibition to hear music was connected to weddings. At a wedding, music is played that is meant to encourage dancing. Therefore, music that leads to dancing remains prohibited. However, playing music to keep children in lockdown entertained, is now permitted. Singing to children is also permitted. In addition, the Chief Rabbi noted that since we are living in a time of צער, pain, music can be viewed as therapeutic and necessary, and, therefore, permitted. It should be emphasized that this is not a blanket Heter, but each individual should look at this objectively, and honestly. If he truly needs to hear music that does not lead to dancing, he is justified in doing so. But if he is able to continue to observe the Halachot of Sefira, he should continue as he does each year. Objectivity and honesty is the key. Kol Hakavod to Rav Yitzchak Yosef for his sensitivity to the needs of the people.


Laws of Mourning

