The Role of the Kohein
An interesting idea that was learned from last week’s Parshiot, was the role of the Kohein at the time of the Beit Hamikdash. He did much more than perform Temple service a few weeks of the year. Regarding leprosy, the Kohein needed to be a kind of dermatologist. He needed to have knowledge of various growths, sores, and wounds on the body. He knew which of them were insignificant and which represented not only leprosy, but the need for the patient to do some serious soul searching. After diagnosing the disease, the Kohein would serve as a rabbinical figure who would try to inspire the leper, to mend his ways. In general, the Kohein was an educator. He was instructed to maintain a high level of Kedusha by separating himself from death and funerals. He was able to inspire and elevate people. The Kohein fulfilled this role wherever he lived throughout the Land of Israel. People gave their תרומה to their favorite local Kohein. And the כהנים were constantly blessing the עם. So we see that the Kohein fulfilled his various roles every day of the year.