
Parshat קדושים also spoke of the Mitzva of ערלה. This law forbids us from eating the fruit of a tree during its first three years of growth. The fourth year, the fruits are holy and must be brought and consumed in Jerusalem, just like מעשר שני. The fourth year fruits are called נטע רבעי. There is a Halacha regarding ערלה outside of Israel that is called הלכה למשה מסיני, that this is a Halachic tradition from Moshe Rabbeinu. This tradition states that there is a different standard outside of Israel as opposed to the Mitzva of ערלה in Israel. In Israel, we are more strict with this law, and even when there is a doubt if the fruits are within the first three years or not, we must not eat such fruit. In חוץ לארץ, the tradition is that when in doubt, we are lenient. We do not need to inquire when purchasing fruit, if they are within the first three years or not. It is only when we are certain that they are such fruit, that we must not eat such fruit. This is a little known Halacha as to the difference between ערלה in Israel, and ערלה in חוץ לארץ.


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