Living in Israel Securely

This week’s double Parsha of בהר-בחוקותי, each have the Pasuk that speaks of וישבתם לבטח בארצכם, “And you will live securely in the Land.” The Rabbis explain this verse and clarify, בארץ אתה יושב לבטח ולא בחוץ לארץ, “In your Land, you live securely, but not outside your Land.” The Gemara in בבא בתרא 91b, says that it is forbidden for a Jew to leave Israel, unless there is a terrible famine in the Land. Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai (of Lag B’Omer fame) explained the Pasuk in מגילת רות that said, הזאת נעמי, “Is this Naomi?” as proof that Machlon, Chilyon, and Elimelech were all punished with death because they were the heads of the generation and they left Israel. When the people of בית לחם saw Naomi, they were expressing their shock at what happens to someone who leaves Israel. She left a wealthy, beautiful woman, and came back a poor, broken old lady, in a very short time. We must pray that our Jewish brethren will come home so that they, too, can live securely in the Land.


Shmitta and Faith


Magic of Shabbat