
In פרשת בהר, we are taught the Mitzva of אונאה. This refers to a form of mistreatment of another individual. There are actually two types of אונאה. One is called אונאת דברים, that refers to mistreatment of another individual with words. It includes belittling another person with insults, calling him by a nickname that he does not like, or reminding him of his embarrassing past. One may not call a person a Baal Teshuva or convert, in a derogatory manner. The second time of אונאה, is אונאת ממון. This refers to monetary fraud and price gouging. One should not earn more than a sixth of profit in the sale of movable objects. One must take great care to be honest in all of his financial dealings. A story is told of Rav Safra, who negotiated selling a certain item to a non-Jew. The Gentile made an offer to Rav Safra that was acceptable. The Rav couldn’t accept the offer because he was in the middle of reciting Shema. The Gentile thought his offer was too low and offered more money. When Rav Safra finished Shema, he insisted on accepting the lower offer. In his mind, he agreed to that offer. He did not wish to be guilty of אונאה in any form. He performed a great Kiddush Hashem in his behavior.


Taking Interest


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