Nature Will Behave
The Netivot Shalom has an interesting explanation to פרשת בחוקותי. He asks why the Torah tells us of all of the rewards for keeping the Mitzvot. It seems to be clear that all kinds of great results will come to one who carefully follows all aspects of the Torah. The Netivot Shalom is bothered by the apparent contradiction to what we are promised over and over again. That is, that true justice and real reward is in the next world and not in this world. The contradiction is answered by looking more carefully at the specifics of the promise. We are told that if we do as we are instructed, NATURE will act as it is supposed to. There will be rain in its proper season and there will not be any plagues or epidemics. In other words, the rewards we will see in this world, is that nature will behave as it is supposed to. This implies that epidemics in the world come from abandoning the way of the Torah. Hopefully, with the current epidemic nearly behind us, we will learn the valuable lessons taught in the Torah.