
The word related to פרשת במדבר, is תפקיד. This refers to an individual figuring out what his purpose is in this world. The three Levite families of גרשון, קהת, and מררי, each had their specific תפקיד in transporting the Mishkan in the desert. Gershon carried the curtains. Merari were in charge of the קרשים, the wood beams. And Kehat carried the holy vessels of the Mishkan. The Talmud points out Hashem’s brilliance. He places in the hearts of each individual to choose his respective occupation. This is how all of the needs of society are taken care of. We need specialized craftsmen such as plumbers, electricians, just as we need doctors, engineers, and accountants. Aside from what we decide to do for our livelihood, we must also do our best to reach our full spiritual potential in serving Hashem and the Jewish people. This is our תפקיד in this world.


Rebbe Like a Father


Humility and Inheriting the Land