Role of the Levite
This coming Shabbat after Shavuot is unusual in that we will be reading the regular Torah reading of נשא in Israel, but outside of Israel, it will be the second day of Yom Tov. For several weeks, this will go on, until a double Parsha will get things on track. Parshat Nasso speaks of the special role of the Levites and their service to עם ישראל. They were to maintain a high level of sanctity. It was their job to teach the masses, the paths of justice and righteousness. For this reason, they did not inherit land and they were to remain separate from the rest of the nation. The Rambam, at the end of the Shmitta laws, gives a Shavuot-like message. He writes that every Jew is capable of reaching the same spiritual heights as the Levi. He only needs to apply himself by connecting to the world of קדושה, and separating from the mundane, material world. He will feel Hashem close to him just as the Kohanim and Leviim, were able to merit. Certainly, Shavuot is the time to re-think and re-connect to the world of holiness and service of HaShem.