Shalom Bayit
In the תוספתא on מסכת מכות, there is a Halacha that one may not erase Hashem’s holy name. Yet, in connection with the סוטה, Hashem allows His holy name to be erased in order to bring Shalom between a husband and wife. From this episode, we get a glimpse at the nature of a Jewish marriage. Peace between husband and wife, or Shalom Bayit, is something to strive towards and cherish. There should never be a situation where husband and wife should become so distant as to get to a point where the husband feels his wife has been unfaithful. Many problems come about because there is a breakdown in communication. It can be very frustrating when a spouse feels they are not being heard. It is also a good idea to remember the advice from the book, “Men are from Mars, women from Venus.” Men want solutions and women want understanding. Women want their man to be in touch with their feelings. Men want appreciation. This is the biggest reason for most arguments. The Torah tries to help to bring a couple back together. And even Hashem allows an otherwise prohibition to be overlooked for the sake of Shalom Bayit.