שלך גדול משלהם
In this week’s Parsha, בהעלותך, we find Aharon a little disappointed that he did not have a role to play in the dedication of the Mishkan. Hashem tells him, שלך גדול משלהם, that your portion is greater than their portion. He was referring to the special Mitzva related to the Menora. Not only was the lighting of the Menorah reserved for Aharon, but what it represented was eternal. There were special instructions to hide the Menorah when the Temple was destroyed as it was important that it not find its way into Gentile hands. The Menorah represented the אור הגנוז, the hidden light reserved for the righteous. This was created at the time of the creation. It was also symbolic of the אור אלוקי, the Divine light that was given to the Jewish people. When a Jew is deeply engaged in Torah study, this special light is revealed to him. This light is what separates the holiness of the Jew from the non-Jew. All of this is connected to the Menorah that was given to Aharon. This is why he was told שלך גדול משלהם. He was given this very special gift of the Menorah.