הצר הצורר אתכם
The חצוצרות, trumpets, that were mentioned in yesterday’s Parsha, were used for various purposes. They were to call the people to prepare themselves for travel. They were used to summon the entire nation to meet, and sometimes to call together the heads of tribes. There is also a reference to the time of war, where the חצוצרות would be sounded, and we would see salvation from our enemies. It is interesting to note that the enemy is described as הצר הצורר אתכם, the enemy that is oppressing you. The Rambam explains that the type of battle known as מלחמת מצוה, an obligatory war, involves Amalek, the Seven Nations, and הצר הצורר אתכם. The definition of this third category is that when a nation lives among us, and wishes to drive us out of the Land of Israel, they are הצר הצורר אתכם. The Malbim writes that the war the Torah speaks about, is the war of the end of days. He specifically mentions גוג and מגוג. This implies that the final battle before Mashiach, is against הצר הצורר אתכם. It seems clear that this enemy that wishes to drive us from our land, must be subdued, in order for Mashiach to come.