Kippa and Tzitzit

The end of פרשת שלח discusses the Mitzva of ציצית. There are certain Mitzvot that are given special recognition. For example, Shabbat, Brit Mila, and living in Israel, are described as being equal to all of the commandments of the Torah. Placing fringes on a four cornered garment is also added to that list. Perhaps more than any other Mitzva, the wearing of Tzitzit is a reminder Mitzva. The Torah says, וראיתם אותם וזכרתם את כל מצוותי, and you shall see it, and remember all of the other Mitzvot of the Torah. Over the years, I’ve seen that when one stops wearing his Tzitzit all of the time, and he stops wearing his Kippa in public, much more is compromised by such an unwise move. Because the Kippa has gained in importance as a symbol of showing that one is proud to be a Jew, the combination of its removal with Tzitzit, causes one to be lax in other Mitzvot. Inevitably, the three pillars of Judaism, Shabbat, Kashrut, and Family Purity, are also compromised. Tzitzit and Kippa keep us grounded and focused on our need to be diligent servants of Hashem.


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