Korach-קנאה וגאווה
There is a debate between בית שמאי and בית הלל as to whether or not it would be better if man was created or not. Perhaps it would be preferable for a baby to die at birth. He would get his עולם הבא and not need to deal with life’s difficulties. The debate was concluded that both opinions were correct. If a person managed to live with ענוה ושפלות, humility and lowliness, it would be better for him to be born. But if one is consumed with גאווה, conceit and haughtiness, it would be better for him not to be born. The גמרא in סוטה says that one who is מתגאה, conceited, Hashem says that he and I cannot live together in this world. Korach gave into גאוה and קנאה, jealousy. This is what ultimately brought about his demise. We must work hard to stay far away from קנאה and גאווה.