Synagogues and Houses of Study

Shavua Tov. We read today of how Bilaam’s curses turned into blessings. We see from the blessings a hint to the curses that he intended. One of the most famous verses of the Parsha is מה טובו אהליך יעקב, “How goodly are your tents O’ Jacob.” Aside from the standard interpretation that Bilaam was impressed with the modesty of the Jewish people, that no tent faced the other, there is a second explanation. In essence, the strength of the Jewish people in the Exile, are their synagogues and houses of study. Bilaam reluctantly praised Israel for these בתי כנסת and בתי מדרשות. These holy places are what kept the Jewish people alive during their bitter Galut. The Gemara adds that in the future in the time of Mashiach, if these places of worship and Torah study were for the sake of Heaven, they will be transplanted to Israel. There will be no other remnants of the Exile. Bilaam understood this but Hashem turned his curse into a blessing.




Bilaam’s Strategy