A Most Troublesome Time

The Netivot Shalom describes the incident of Bilaam’s curse, as the most troublesome period during the entire time the Jews were in the desert. This was even more serious than the sin of the Golden Calf. Bilaam had almost succeeded in creating a complete disconnect between Hashem and the nation. When Jews are not connected to their source, the Al-mighty, they are vulnerable and are able to be weakened. There was a certain paralysis among the people. Moshe, himself, was frozen as they challenged him and said that the taking of Midianite actually began with him, when he took Tzippora. ( That incident occurred before the giving of the Torah.) It was only Pinchas and his total מסירות נפש, giving of himself, that saved the day. The lesson to be learned here is that we must never allow ourselves to be disconnected from Hashem. This דבקות is essential for our very survival.


Longing for the Temple

