Shabbat Chazon

This coming Shabbat is called שבת חזון. It is the third Haftarah of פורענותא, punishment and rebuke. We read from the Book of Isaiah, where the prophet gives strong rebuke for turning away from Hashem. Shabbat Chazon is always read with פרשת דברים. This Parsha is also one of rebuke. The Netivot Shalom says that really פרשת ואתחנן is the לב התורה. It is the heart of the Torah because it contains the first paragraph of שמע as well as the Ten Commandments. It was not read as the first Parsha in דברים, because first needed to prepare the nation by teaching them that in order to receive the Torah as well as ארץ ישראל, it could only come about through הכנעה and ענווה, surrender and humility. Another reason why דברים is read during the Nine Days is that there is the reminder that HaShem will never forsake us. Just as He was with us in Egypt and our Exile, He will never forsake us. This is a time for soul searching and reflection. It is a time that we should try to reach higher levels of holiness, to prepare us for the גאולה, redemption that is knocking on the door. We need to prove our worthiness for this blessed time. Shabbat Chazon is meant for making such preparations.


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