Removing Idol Worship

Shavua Tov. Parshat ראה speaks of the importance of removing from the Land of Israel, all symbols of עבודה זרה, idol worship. The idea here is that the Land was defiled by those who worshipped foreign gods, aside from their immoral behavior. Any symbol of such defilement had to be eliminated from Eretz Yisrael. The Rambam in הלכות מלכים clearly points out that although Christianity and Islam are false religions, it is better that the Gentiles worship something rather than nothing. This way, they will be better prepared for the real Mashiach when he comes. Therefore, it appears that until that time, we must respect and tolerate the religious freedom of the other religions. We should view this as a temporary situation and see things as the Rambam did. When the time is right, all symbols of idol worship will, indeed, be removed from the Land.


היתר במות

