Giving Charity
Parshat ראה has a discussion of the importance of giving Tzedaka. First we have the commandment of עשר תעשר, that we shall surely tithe. The classic interpretation is עשר בשביל שתתעשר, give your tithe in order that you become wealthy. We are given a kind of guarantee that we will not only become poor from the charity that we give, but we will also be blessed. The Parsha also addresses how we are to treat a poor person. The Torah tells us, לא תאמץ את ידך, that we should not turn away our hand. If a poor person reaches out his hand for help, we should not reject him. Contemporary authorities distinguish between the street, the synagogue, and our home. This is in response to the problem that “shnoring”or begging, no longer carries the shame it once did. We should never leave the one who comes to our home empty handed. But the street and synagogue are optional, and is up to our discretion. It is important to emphasize from time to time, the importance of the Mitzva of giving charity. Although there are three opinions as to what the Halachic obligation is regarding מעשר כספים, tithing of monetary income, this must not be taken lightly. (Some say מעשר כספים is a Torah obligation, others say it is rabbinic, and still others say it is מנהג, only a custom.) Just as Hashem is incredibly generous with us, we must emulate His ways, and be generous with the less fortunate.