
Shavua Tov. In today’s Parsha, we have emphasis on the importance of setting up a legal system enforced by judges and policemen. The Torah tells us צדק צדק תרדוף, that we should pursue righteousness. We do this by being sure to have honest judges who will see to it that the laws be carried out justly. It is interesting that אונקלוס translates צדק צדק as קושטא קושטא. The word קושטא means “truth.” We have this word in the prayer recited when we take out the Torah in בריך שמיה דמרי עלמא. We also have this word in the text of a Ketuva, where the husband pledges to be truthful to his new wife. We cannot have justice, without truth. In Parshat Yitro, Moshe is told to seek out judges who are אנשי אמת, men of truth. We are to strive for truth in all of life’s pursuits. Truth must never be compromised. We do not believe that truth is relative. There is one truth, and that is Hashem and the Torah. Everything else is false.


זקן ממרא


Elul-Fixing Midot