זרוע לחיים קיבה

Parshat שופטים speaks of some of the gifts given to the Kohanim. Among these gifts are the זרוע, arm, לחיים, cheeks, and קיבה, stomach, from any animal that was not slaughtered as a קרבן, sacrifice. These were among the twenty-four gifts given in order to help sustain the Kohanim. One was able to choose any Kohein he wanted, to receive these sections of the animal. The consensus of opinion among the rabbis is that this law does not apply outside of Eretz Yisrael. The consensus also ruled that this Mitzva does apply today in Israel. The Sefer Hachinuch says that this obligation cannot be enforced, as no Kohein can claim that it is his. It is likely that this obligation is circumvented nowadays by creating some kind of partnership with a non-Jew. If animals are jointly owned, the obligation also falls. (This method is also used in order to avoid the sanctification of a בכור, first born animal.


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