One of the important principles of the Torah, is the orderliness of the universe. Everything G-d created has its specific purpose and role. This is the reason for the laws of כלאיים, that refers to forbidden mixtures. In actuality, the Torah lists five such forbidden mixtures. The strictest of these mixtures, is the prohibition of כלאי הכרם, mixing grapes and wheat. This applies both inside and outside of Israel. There is also כלאי זרעים, a mixing of various seeds that should not be planted together. This applies only in Israel. The third type is כלאי בגדים, better known as שעטנז, which represents a mixture of wool and linen. This requires us to check new suits and other clothing for this mixture. The last two types are related to animals. One prohibition related to cross breeding animals of different species. And the final type of כלאיים, is working two animals of the field of different strength. We may not muzzle an ox and donkey while plowing. We must never tamper or attempt to alter the beautiful world that Hashem created with His great wisdom.