Wise Man
Kohelet has numerous important ideas that I hope to share during Succot. There is a Pasuk that says, החכם עיניו בראשו והכסיל בחשך הולך, “The wise man has his eyes in his head, whereas a fool walks in darkness.” There are two very different interpretations to this Pasuk. The first is that a wise man looks ahead and sees the consequences of his actions. Unlike the fool who acts recklessly, the wise man thinks carefully before he may be involved in something that he might later regret. The second interpretation is completely different. The wise man looks ahead at what he plans on eating. He will not put himself in doubt that he may not have eaten the proper amount for ברכת המזון. Or, that he will be in doubt if he made the appropriate blessing for what he is eating. He will be ready in the event that something unexpected is offered to him. This is the beauty of Kohelet. So many varied lessons can be learned from the wisdom of King Solomon.