Cain and Abel

The קול התורה has a different take on the episode of Cain and Abel. The jealousy that existed between the two brothers was not only because Hashem accepted the offering of Abel and not Cain. It was also based on Cain’s desire towards Abel’s twin sister, whom he married. She was exceptionally beautiful and her unavailability to Cain, provoked bad feelings between them. Hashem’s acceptance of Abel’s offering was the last straw, which led to Cain’s attack on Abel. Rabbi Munk adds that Abel became arrogant when he saw that Hashem preferred him over his rival brother. This arrogance of Abel, removed his protection and he was ultimately killed. Cain’s punishment was relatively mild, because Hashem did not wish to put the continuation of the human race in jeopardy. This is a good example of how new ideas are found each year when we learn the weekly Parsha.



