
It is always important to quote a source for a specific Mitzva, especially one that is controversial. There is a great deal of discussion connected with abortion in the United States, as they are about to approve an anti-abortion Supreme Court judge. In Parshat נח, the Seven Noachide Laws were given. One of those laws was the prohibition of murder. The Talmud in מסכת סנהדרין on 57a says the following: “It is learned in the study hall of Rabbi Yishmael, ‘A Noachide is obligated, i.e. given the death penalty, for killing a fetus (עובר). The Pasuk says, שופך דם האדם באדם דמו ישפך, if one spills the blood of a human inside another human, his blood shall be spilled. This refers to an עובר במעי אמו, a fetus in the inside of its mother.” We see clearly from the Gemara that abortion is forbidden for all humanity, Jews and non-Jews alike.


Monkeys in Bavel


Shiva and the Flood