Avraham and Democracy
This week we read פרשת לך לך. Avraham Avinu needed to leave his homeland in חרן in order to grow spiritually. He was not able to fully connect with Hashem. Outside of Israel, he heard Hashem, but in Eretz Yisrael, Hashem appeared before him. Avraham Avinu taught that to grow as a Jew, one must sometimes isolate himself from family and negative influences. Rabbi Munk in his קול התורה wrote that majority rule, i.e. democracy, is generally a good thing. But majority rule is bad when it does not meet the criterion of Divine truth. One must separate from such a majority. This idea is so relevant today. Western governments emulate the ideals of democracy, but fail to acknowledge its shortfalls. There is very little to prevent these democracies from making immoral laws. The Torah provides checks and balances to see that democracies stick to ethics and morality. It is kind of ironic that Avraham Avinu already knew what so called sophisticated nations today, do not know.