Micha’s Idol and Hachnassat Orchim
Shavua Tov. The importance of הכנסת אורחים, welcoming guests, is clearly a theme of פרשת וירא. We see the example set by Avraham Avinu, and how his nephew Lot, tried to follow his example. There is an interesting parallel brought in the Book of Judges, and the story of פסל מיכה. Micha had built an idol and Ephod that was able to tell the future. He created kind of an idolatrous cult, by welcoming guests and feeding them. The Midrash says that the angels demanded of Hashem that Micha be punished in the harshest manner. Hashem explained that despite this horrible sin of idol worship, Micha did attain many merits because of his fulfillment of הכנסת אורחים. This is another angle to explaining why welcoming guests is such an important Mitzva.