חנוך נער לפי דרכו

Rabbi Elie Munk in his קול התורה, analyzes Yakov and Eisav, from the aspect of education and proper parenting. It might be that each twin demonstrated certain character traits from a young age, but was it really unavoidable that Eisav was destined to be a רשע, evil person.

Rabbi Munk quotes a verse in Mishlei that says, חנוך נער לפי דרכו, educate a young lad according to his path. Two children of the same parents are not necessarily going to come out the same way. Parents need to adjust according to the nature of that child.

It takes infinite patience to make the adjustment and realization that expectations cannot be the same with our children.

One child might be an instant book worm, who excels in school and never needs to be reminded to do his homework. His sibling might be totally disinterested in his studies, and needs to be encouraged and motivated.

This is the challenge of parenting. Parents must objectively recognize their child’s strengths and weaknesses and adapt accordingly.

On the one hand, there was a Divine destiny in terms of the role Eisav was to play. But perhaps had he been handled differently, he would have been a different person.




Torah in the Womb