Don’t Rely on Miracles
The confrontation between Yakov and Eisav, teaches an important lesson. Yakov taught us how we are to cope with life’s challenges.
He taught us the principle of אין סומכים על הנס, that we are not allowed to rely on miracles. We must do our part דרך הטבע, in a natural way.
This is referred to as השתדלות, that we need to put things into motion so that we are able to allow Hashem to do His part.
It’s like the idea that we cannot expect to win a lottery unless we buy a ticket. We need to create the apparatus in which we become a vessel to receive Hashem’s שפע, His abundant blessings.
We are not meant to sit back and do nothing, and expect miracles. Like Yakov Avinu, we must act.
Yakov gave gifts to Eisav with the hope it would soften him up. He also prepared for war, and he prayed.
He did his השתדלות and did not rely on miracles. This is why he was able to withstand the threat of his evil brother.