
A major theme of פרשת וישב is חינוך. Yakov Avinu is reprimanded for giving preferential treatment to Yosef over his other children.

The Gemara writes that this should be a lesson for all parents to treat their children equally without favoritism. There is a natural tendency for siblings to be jealous of one another.

Parents need to teach their children from a young age not to be jealous, and to learn to be happy for each other’s success.

If this lesson is not learned in the home, the child will grow to be envious of others, and will not be happy with his lot in life.

Perhaps Chanukah carries forth this idea of education. The Chanukah story shows how the small group of Maccabees led by Judah and his brothers, overcame great odds. The brothers worked together harmoniously for the cause of saving עם ישראל. The message of unity and brotherly love, can have miraculous results.


ישועת ה׳ כהרף עין

