Food Lust

Rabbi Elazar Abuchatzeira זצ״ל commented on two words from פרשת מקץ. The description of going down to Egypt to purchase food, was called, “לשבור אוכל.”

The word לשבור means “to break.” And אוכל means “food.” Rav Elazar explained that this wording was to teach לשבור את תאוות האוכל, to break up the lust for food.

One would not normally rank food on the top of the list of things that people lust after. The Rav said that lusting after food, is the greatest of all lusts.

The proof of this is that the great sin of eating from the forbidden fruit of Gan Eden, came from the lusting after food.

This idea should not be taken lightly. We should elevate our eating habits and remind ourselves that our table is like a מזבח. Ideally, one should get satisfaction from the taste of Torah, rather than the taste of food.

Perhaps this is a very appropriate Corona message where many complain of having gained weight because of lockdown!




שחיטה שאינה ראויה