רוח הקודש

In פרשת ויגש, we learn a great deal about receiving רוח הקודש, the Divine Spirit. When Yakov Avinu finally accepted the news that Yosef was alive, the Torah tells us, ותחי רוח יעקב, that the spirit of Yakov lived.

The explanation is that the Holy Spirit once again lived within Yakov. Once his sadness and grieving had passed, and it turned to joy, he was again able to communicate with Hashem.

We are told that even Moshe Rabbeinu’s connection with Hashem was minimized during the years in the desert when each year 15,000 Jews died on Tisha B’Av. Only when the dying stopped, was Moshe able to connect with G-d as he did on Mount Sinai.

The Rambam wrote that during the years of prophecy, the prophets would play musical instruments to lift their spirits, so that they would be in a state to receive Divine messages.

In the time of Mashiach, there will be such great joy and such a high level of spirituality, that everyone will be able to have רוח הקודש. We must believe that we are getting closer and closer to that time.


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