
Yakov Avinu reviews with Yosef the highlights of his life. He tells him of his special relationship with Hashem on two specific levels. He refers to Hashem as “ה׳ הרועה אותי” and “המלאך הגואל אותי.”

When it came to Parnassa, physical sustenance, Hashem is referred to as his shepherd who provides for him. When redemption was needed from his adversaries , Hashem sends His Angel to redeem him.

From here we learn that Parnassa comes from Hashem, which seems like the greater challenge than the redemption that comes by way of a מלאך.

The message here is to give us comfort in connection with our earning a livelihood. Hashem, Himself, is involved in providing for our needs. The תורה תמימה tells us that we should look at the animal world regarding פרנסה.

The animals go about their business with the confidence that Hashem will provide. None of them demonstrate the slightest bit of worry. Therefore, despite our financial difficulties, we should be confident that Hashem will provide.

This was Yakov’s blessing to Yosef’s sons. They should be provided for as he was, by Hashem and His angels.


Yosef’s Shortened Life


Power of Prayer