Importance of Seder Night
We have a reference to the importance of Seder night. We are taught not to give up on any of our children, and use the Seder as the opportunity to patiently attempt to answer the difficult questions asked by problematic questions.
We also learn of the importance of reliving the exodus from Egypt. If we are able to visualize the miraculous events that took place in Egypt, it will strengthen us.
Without this visualization, we are left to intellectualize our history. Seeing the events before our eyes, is much more powerful. With time, it’s possible to question whether these events happened naturally or were the Hand of G-d.
Ideally, we should put both the visualization and intellectualization. The two, will solidify this faith. Ideally, Seder night is meant to strengthen this faith by affording us the opportunity to both visualize and intellectualize. It might be one of the most important nights of the year.