From Slavery to a Holy Nation

Rabbi Twerski wrote that a greater miracle than the splitting of the Red Sea was the remarkable transformation of the Jewish people from a nation of slaves, to a holy nation. It took only seven weeks from the day they left Egypt until they stood at Mount Sinai, and received the Torah.

The explanation for this miraculous transformation, could be explained in one word, “family.” The solid familial bond in Egypt kept the slave mentality out of the minds of the Jewish people.

And, in addition, it was Moshe Rabbeinu who convinced Pharoah that he would get more productivity from his slaves, if they had one free day a week. This is why we say, ישמח משה במתנת חלקו, that Moshe rejoiced with the gift of his portion. It was as if he was pleased that already realized the power of Shabbat.

So if we consider that the combination of a strong family bond and having one day a week to solidify that bond, it’s no wonder that the Jewish people were fully prepared for the revelation at הר סיני.

The same holds true today in helping young Jews remain close to their Jewish values. If they have the support of their parents and grandparents, who are excellent role models, and Shabbat is truly a holy day of coming closer to G-d and expressing freedom, they, too, will be on a level where they are ready to receive the Torah at Sinai.


Great Wealth


Message of Matza and Chametz