A Good Leader
When Moshe Rabbeinu realizes that all of his efforts to enter Eretz Yisrael have failed, he wanted to be certain that his successor would be a proper leader.
Moshe refers to Hashem as אלוקי הרוחות, the G-d of the spirits. This reference to Hashem is only used one other time when Moshe pleaded with Hashem not to punish the entire congregation for the sin of Korach.
In this case, the “spirits” referred to, were the different natures of the Jewish people.
A leader needed to understand the different mentalities and natures of the people. There were times when toughness was needed, while at others, kindness and compassion were the order of the day.
Most of all the future leader of the Jewish people, needed to have a deep love for עם ישראל. This love along with trusting in Hashem, would allow the leader to meet this formidable text.